SmartProSys: New Methods and Approaches for Process Engineering in future Chemical Industry

20.10.2023 -  

CDS member Prof. Dr. -Ing. Kai Sundmacher, director at the Max Planck Institute Magdeburg and Chair for Process Systems Engineering at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, is involved in the SmartProSys initiative with a team of researchers.

The SmartProSys research team focuses on transforming energy-intensive linear process chains based on fossil raw materials and energy sources into sustainable, fully closed, energy-saving cycles using biomass, residual materials, and renewable energies. Replacing fossil raw materials in chemical production with renewable carbon sources aims to contribute to a climate-neutral society.  The Max Planck Institute Magdeburg (MPI), the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU), the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (LIKAT) in Rostock, and the Brandenburg Technical University (BTU) in Cottbus are involved in the Project. The spokespersons of the SmartProSys initiative are the two CDS Members Prof. Dr. -Ing Kai Sundmacher and Prof. Dr. -Ing Achim Kienle, External Scientific Member at MPI Magdeburg and Chair of Automation Engineering / Modeling at OVGU, and Prof. Dr. Ellen Matthies, Chair of Environmental Psychology at OVGU.

To the official press release of the Max-Planck-Institute Magdeburg

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