Replacing fossil raw materials

13.01.2025 -  

Together with multiple research partners CDS member Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kai Sundmacher wants to develope procedures and processes for an emission-free chemical industry, which is based on sustainable resources and renewable energy and whose building blocks can be continuously reused in a circular economy, with the reserach initiative „Smart Process Systems for Green Carbon-based Chemical Production in a Sustainable Society“ (SmartProSys)

Scientists are convinced, that the concept has potential to be an excellence cluster. A transformation of the chemical industry is of importance, because it produces ten percent of the global CO2 emissions. To achieve the climate targets all emissions have to be reduced to zero by 2050.

In the future the carbon used for the production of consumer chemicals, plastics or medications is supposed to be obtained from renewable sources , like biomass, the recycling of waste material or out of the use of CO2. Plastics ought to be continuesly reused in accordance with a circular economy. At the Max Planck Institute processes for the recycling of plastic waste, especially polyamid 6 known as nylon, are being investigated. Ann-Joelle Minor and Ruben Goldhahn are doing their doctorate under Kai Sundmacher. They are working on optimizing the recycling process. Contrary to mechanical recycling, the chemical process can be repeated as often as desired. Goal of the research is an ecologically and economically improved and optimized recycling.

CDS member Prof. Dr. Achim Kienle and CDS junior member Dr. Stefanie Duvigneau from the Institute of Automation Engineering of the University Magdeburg work on a process for the production of bioplastic. Here bacterias, which create bioplastic from waste and leftover materials, are being used. „But not all polymers are the same.“, emphasizes Achim Kienle, who calls the bioplastic "biopolymer". Because depending on the nutrient substrate, that the bacterias receive, there are differences in elasticity, stability or malleability. Stefanie Duvigneau developes mathematical models to understand the ongoing reactions in the bio reactor and to design new processes and regulation concepts. 

To achieve that as many people as possible are able to classify the technological solutions for climate protection correctly and that they can comprehend the necessary changes, the environmantal psychologis Prof. Dr. Ellen Matthies works on innovative and playful communication concepts. Carbon cycles are also being modeled, so that people can interactively engage with them. 

In the chemical industry this seems to be known already. Kai Sundmacher emphasizes: "Our reserach project adresses a topic, that has absolute priority there.  The participators are aware, that the production processes will have to change completly in the next ten to twenty years to save energy and to reach sustainability targets."

To the official press release of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

 To the article "Bioplastics from waste materials"

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