14 million euros for mathematical research

04.05.2023 -  

The German Research Foundation DFG is funding the Priority Program "Combinatorial Synergies SPP 2458" for six years with approximately 14 million euros. In this program, mathematicians, including those at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, are investigating how different data sets from mathematical experiments can be systematically networked and used.

The goal of the new priority program is to systematically capture, analyze and use combinatorial data structures such as graphs or networks in all areas of mathematics and its applications in an interdisciplinary way. Numerous other research groups of German universities and Max Planck Institutes participate in this program, so that an internationally visible combinatorics research network can be created. In addition, the priority program is working with the MaRDI consortium of the national research data infrastructure to make the data accessible.

to the official press release of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

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