Bioprocess Engineer Lars Pelz honored with ACTIP Fellowship Award 2023

20.10.2023 -  

Lars Pelz, scientist in the Bioprocess Engineering group at the Max Planck Institute Magdeburg, was awarded the 2023 ACTIP Fellowship Award for his Ph.D. project on In-depth characterization and cell culture-based production of influenza A virus defective interfering particles.

In this project, it could be shown that viruses can be used not only for the manufacturing of vaccines and viral vectors in gene therapy but also for the production of highly efficacious and safe antiviral agents. These antiviral agents are defective interfering virus particles (DIPs), special viruses that are present in any viral infection. The focus of the Ph.D. project was on establishing a scalable high-yield manufacturing process of these defective interfering virus particles. Lars Pelz did his Ph.D. in the Bioprocess Engineering Research group at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg under the supervision of two CDS members PD Dr. Yvonne Genzel (Upstream Processing) and Prof. Dr. -Ing. Udo Reichl, and Dr. -Ing. Sachscha Kupke (Molecular Biology).
ACTIP (The Advanced Cell Technology Industrial Platform) focuses on bringing together and networking experts in advanced cell technology. The ACTIP scholarship award includes 1,000 euros and a fully funded invitation to attend and present the research project at an ACTIP meeting. Lars Pelz will present his research project on October 17, 2023, in Dublin, Ireland.

To the official press release of  the Max Planck Institute Magdeburg 

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