Expedition to the Arctic Ocean

18.07.2023 -  

Dr. Carolin Mehlmann, mathematician at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, will participate in an expedition to the Arctic Ocean together with her colleague and CDS member Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter.

The goal of the two-month expedition is to verify Dr. Mehlman's numerical model. In the future, this sea ice model should allow to make more precise predictions about behaviour of ice floes, since the size and thickness of individual ice floes and their movement can be analyzed in more detail. This will enable better simulation and prediction of the size and movement of sea ice at the North Pole. The researchers will begin the expedition on the research vessel "Polarstern" from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) on August 2, 2023.
To verify the model, the researchers will take pictures of ice floes and extract the characteristics of the floe with a program on the computer. The practical observations will eventually be used to analyze the existing model. After the expedition, the researchers will organize a thematic year on mathematics and climate change for schoolchildren to experience the research.

To the official press release of the Otto-von-Guericke University

To first information about the thematic year on mathematics and climate change

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