MatheLabor opened

14.07.2023 -  

At the Faculty of Mathematics of the Otto-von-Guericke University the MatheLabor, an experimental laboratory for geometric representation and mathematical visualisation, was opened on July 12, 2023.

The MatheLabor is designed to enable access to complex topics for those interested in mathematics. Through interactive games, 3D printing and the use of augmented reality, all senses are addressed. "With the MatheLabor we would like to create a platform to make mathematics and a broad spectrum of its applications in teaching and research, but also for interested laymen, especially school children, tangible and visible." says Petra Schwer from the Faculty of Mathematics. There are workshops for school children planned and offers for school project weeks. In addition to enriching research activities, the MatheLabor will also serve as a training ground for future mathematics teachers, who can try out modern teaching and learning formats or develop mathematical visualisations for their theses there.

CDS Member Sebastian Sager initiated the MatheLabor together with Petra Schwer. „In the future , the MatheLabor is to be expanded into a center of competence for questions of mathematical visualisation, because geometric imaging and visualisation methods are becoming increasingly important for applications of mathematics in medicine, engineering and in basic research in the natural sciences.“, he emphasizes. For this purpose, there will be cooperations with other research institutions.

To the official press release of the Otto-von-Guericke University

To the website of the MatheLabor

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