New junior members in CDS

25.04.2023 -  

By unanimous decision of the Management Committee, Dr. Fabian Sewerin, Dr. Pawan Goyal, and Dr. Igor Pontes Duff Pereira were admitted to the CDS as new junior members.

Fabian Sewerin

Dr. Fabian Sewerin has headed the Emmy Noether Group Dispersed Multiphase Flows since 2021, which was founded in January 2021 at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg and is supervised by Professor Berend van Wachem at the Institute of Process Engineering. The research work of the Emmy Noether group aims at gaining an improved understanding of small-scale processes that occur in dispersed multiphase flows and control and govern their large-scale behavior.

for more information about Fabian Sewerin 


Pawan Goyal

Dr. Pawan Goyal leads the Physics-Enhanced Machine Learning (PML) group at the Max Planck Institute Magdeburg. This group focuses on developing innovative machine learning algorithms that can learn dynamical systems by incorporating empirical knowledge. In addition, for high-dimensional data, they focus on identifying low-dimensional embeddings using deep learning to facilitate the engineering design process for complex systems.

for more information about Pawan Goyal


Igor Pontes

Dr. Igor Pontes Duff Pereira is team leader of the Structured Dynamical Systems (SDS) group at the Max Planck Institute Magdeburg. The group focuses on the development of new theoretical and computational results to enable efficient simulation, optimization and control for structured models with high accuracy.

for more information about Igor Pontes Duff Pereira



Dr. Pawan Goyal as well as Dr. Igor Pontes Duff Pereira are part of the Computational Methods in Systems and Control Theory group, which is headed by Prof. Dr. Peter Benner.

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