The mathematics of climate change

08.11.2023 -  

From November 9, 2023 Students from the 10th grade can join the working group "Climate change and mathematics" every Thursday at the University campus. The working group is part of the theme year on the subject of mathematics and climate change of the faculty of mathematics of Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg.

The mathematicians are also available to schools in Saxony-Anhalt for teaching projects beyond the working group. "With the help of mathematics, we are able to analyse complex data sets, develop models from them and thus make predictions," explains CDS Member and mathematician Prof. Thomas Richter, who co-initiated the new offer "Mathematics is an important tool for understanding the complex processes that are hidden in die climate system. Together with the students we want to explore the connections in order to better understand climate change." The working group will run until the next summer holidays and it is still possible to join. 
The Faculty of Mathematics is also organising a monthly lecture series titled "Mathematics of Climate Change". The first lecture on November 16, 2023 on "The Great Melting - Climate Change in the Polar Region and Beyond" will be given by climate scientist Dirk Notz from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. The lecture series „Mathematics of Climate Change" is aimed in particular at school pupils, teachers and parents, but also to interested members of the public. Attendance is free of charge and registration is not required. Dr. Carolin Mehlmann will give a lecture on her expedition to the North Pole together with Prof. Thomas Richter in December. Prof. Tomas Richter hopes that the two events will generate attention for the topic of climate change and present mathematics as an exciting course of study with attractive career paths. 

To the official press release of the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg

To further information, dates and event venues 

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