New DFG research unit investigates environmentally friendly processes for the production of fine chemicals

07.08.2023 -  

Scientists at the Otto-von-Guericke-University are working on the development of sustainable and resource saving chemical production processes for the production of fine chemicals.

Experiments in miniaturized chemical plants are going to be closely linked with computer-aided simulations in order to find new processes for waste-free production of "green chemistry".
CDS speaker Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Sundmacher is the spokesman of the research group and head of the Chair of Process Systems Engineering. Future shortfalls in the supply of medicines in Germany could be prevented by these new processes, explains Prof. Kai Sundmacher. "These shortfalls have been caused by the fact that much of the production of important fine chemicals has been relocated abroad in the past. If we want to produce pharmaceutically relevant substances in Germany and Europe again, we need a new generation of chemical production processes with which we can reconcile economic efficiency and environmental compatibility better than before. This is precisely a central concern of our FOR 5538 research group."

The research group "Multi-stage catalytic production systems for fine chemistry through the integrated design of molecules, materials and processes" was funded with 3.7 million euros for 4 years. The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems Magdeburg, the University of Rostock, the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (LIKAT, Rostock) and the University of Potsdam are also involved in the research group.

To the official press release of the Otto-von-Guericke University

To the official press release of the Max-Planck-Institute Magdeburg

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